Lottoriddle #21
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“Hey! I’m paying you guys for this! Pick up a shovel and start digging,” Nolan shouted as his buddies Rick and Kaleb. He planted the shovel into the ground and shoved his foot down on it.
The paranoid Kaleb glanced around the midnight cemetery, “Bro, I’m just keeping a lookout, chill. I’m sure the warden strolls through here this late. And we look like we’re stealing something.”
“We are stealing,” Rick shrugged and dragged himself to pick up the shovel.
“What’s your problem, bro?” Nolan barked at Rick, using his body weight to dig deeper in the dirt. “I’m just here, picking up a gift my dad left me, that’s all. Now, you told me you’d come to help me. What’s the problem?”
“You sound delusional,” Rick argued, carelessly planting the shovel in front of the tombstone. “It’s okay to be mad about your dad leaving you out of the will. I’m sure that happens to several bastards, no offense. But him telling you in a dream that he left you … whatever, in his casket? Come on, bro!”
“He’s right, Nolan,” Kaleb lifted the hoe and shoved it back into the ground. “We’re doing this because we’re your buds … and the little paper incentive. I know it’s sad but … I think we’re wasting our time here.”
Nolan stopped digging to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his forehead. “Kaleb, wasn’t I right about where Milo died when you couldn’t find him? I took you right near the train tracks, where we found your dog mauled to death! Yup,” Nolan firmly nodded his head with surety, “a dream showed me that.”
Rick lifted his finger and pointed to Nolan, “Yeah … that was creepy. Consider it a coincidence, maybe?”
Nolan circled the tombstone, “And now a dream is showing me that I have a gift waiting for me down there!” he angrily slammed the shovel back in the dirt. “Maybe he didn’t want that tramp of a wife to know that he cared about me.”
Kaleb bit down on his lip and stared at the ground, contemplating, “hell …We’re going to be out here all night. He better have left me something, too.”
What is the subliminal answer or phrase to this riddle?
Examples Answers: "California" or [The Cat is out of the Bag]
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