Lottoriddle #19 *Neon Money #1*
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“You don’t give a damn about me! I saw the signs! I just didn’t say anything,” Allen ranted on his cell, hitting about seventy miles per hour, leaving their resort on the strip.
“I’m sorry! Why won’t you just listen to me!” Trinity cried out with her makeup smearing. She struggled to grab the right car key as they clanked together. She ran to her car, nearly tripping over herself. “It was nothing! I promise you. He’s just a friend!” She then got in her car and took off after him.
“Yeah, a friend who’s screwing you!” Allen snaked his car through the traffic. “You don’t even know my favorite color! I bet you don’t even know my dream destination! I tell you every time the commercial comes on.”
Trinity was a couple of blocks from the Vegas Strip and managed to weed her way through the somewhat congested traffic, barely losing him. “It’s blue baby!” she cried, “blue! And San Diego to see the Raiders play!”
Allen wiped a tear from his eye and made a hard left. “My favorite color is Red. It’s Red! It's the same color as my Mustang! And the Raiders play here in Vegas!! Holy molly!” he huffed and puffed and grabbed his forehead to catch his breath. He hit the brakes as he neared an officer. “Tell me, where do I hide the 50-Cal? I tell you this every day just in case something goes down. I swear to God if you don’t know!”
Trinity began to cry harder, and her face nearly hit the steering wheel, “I don’t know honey, I don’t know! Would you just please listen to me?! Where are you going? I’m not letting you out of my sight. Let’s talk about this!”
What is the subliminal answer or phrase to this riddle?
Examples Answers: "California" or [The Cat is out of the Bag]
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