Free Lottoriddle
Nothing to lose! Go at it! Try however many times you like. $10 is yours if you can decipher it. (Cash App or PayPal)

1 answer per try!
The Paraphrasing Audio
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As a Lion, I’m sick and tired of the media’s portrayal of us. My queen lions don’t always do the hunting. I do it sometimes too. It’s just usually other carnivores. I can’t help that they’re better at “cooking” so to speak. Oh, and I kill other animals all the time and let the hyenas and wild dogs have at it! I do like the portrayal of being alpha and respected, but I sometimes get scared too. Have you ever seen a hippo up close? What about a group of wild buffalo? Bro!!!
Dollar Lottoriddle
Go at it! Affordable Riddles from $2-4. $20+ is yours if you can decipher it. (Cash App or PayPal)

2 answers per try!
The Paraphrasing Audio
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The pit bull charged forward with his chain breaking from around the tree. He ran through the yard and eventually across the street dragging the clanking chain with him causing sparks against the road. The cars slammed on the brakes coming to a stop and blew their horns nearly hitting the dog.